
The New South Wales Education Authority (NESA) directs the Curriculum to be taught in all schools in NSW. There are six Key Learning Areas (KLAs) that must be addressed in each grade of Primary school. These are:

  • English - incorporating Reading, Writing and Oral Language
  • Mathematics - number, space and measurement
  • Creative Arts - incorporating Drama, Music, Art and Dance
  • History & Geography
  • Science and Technology - incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PD,Health,PE) incorporating sport, aspects of physical education, personal development and health matters.

As a Catholic School, we have a seventh Curriculum area, Religious Education.

Catherine McAuley Catholic Primary School is a faith community that is inspired by the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. It respects the dignity of each member of the community and is committed to a quality Catholic education that aims for excellence for all students.

Inspired by Catherine McAuley’s example, our school works in partnership with parents as the primary educators of their children and the Parish, led by Father Greg Bellamy, to nurture, proclaim and celebrate our Catholic faith and to meet the challenges and needs of our community.

Apart from teaching the curriculum, we endeavour to offer our students other extracurricular educational opportunities. Currently on offer are:

  • A School Band,
  • Guitar lessons,
  • Choir,
  • Musical performance opportunities,
  • 'Mini Vinnies', a junior division of St Vincent de Paul,
  • Lunch time clubs such as:
    - Chess,
    - Garden Club,
    - Art Club and
    - Dance club (student led)

These clubs vary depending on student interest and engagement.

We understand that students have different strengths and interests and we endeavour to cater to these, enabling opportunities to shine.